Gmail Forgot Password Recovery Steps

Forgetting gmail password can be one of the huge inconvenience, especially when this gmail account is at the center of our many online activities. Unfortunately this happen with most the Gmail users, at least once in the LIFE. But don’t be panic as we can recover the gmail forget password. In fact, Gmail forget password recovering is very easy and also to-the-point. If we have forgotten our gmail password and can no longer able to access our Gmail account, here are few quick steps to get back our account with no time.

Gmail Password Recovery

1) Visit the Gmail Password Recovery page (to start the process,visit "" OR alternatively, load '' page and click the "Need help?" link underneath the gmail login box). If we cannot remember the password and we have a contact phone number (mobile) or alternate email address associated with this account, Google can send us the auto generated dynamic link of our password reset page.

2) But, if we don't have either of these associated with this account; select the option "I don't know my password" under the 'Having trouble signing in?’,enter the gmail address that we are trying to recover or if we can't remember the username, select the option 'I don't know my username' and then click "Continue" button. 

3) The next option is 'Enter the last password you remember' - enter our last known password which we used or alternatively we can click "I don't know". Entering the last password we remember can help the gmail forget password recovery process, but to retrieve our account it is not required.

4) In next option we have to choose our gmail forget password recovery option, where either sent our recovery details to the alternate email or to the contact phone number (mobile). For use them we need to have set these for our account.
    If we choose to get the recovery information details sent to our contact phone number (mobile), we can either receive it as SMS or automated call.
    But if we don't have any recovery details associated with our account, we have to go through the account retrieval survey option.

5) The next and final step is entering the received verification information. If we select to receive the verification code into our phone, we have to enter it when prompt or if we had use alternate account for recovery email, we have to click the link into the received email. 

N.B. If anyone have not accessed the account for 9 months or more, Gmail may have considered this account as abandoned and may have deleted it from its server. In this condition, Gmail account recovery is no longer possible
